Welcome to Rosemark
Warranty Services

An F&I provider finally designed by dealers, for dealers.

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8PM - 11PM

Introducing the first F&I program designed from the ground up by actual auto dealers.

Our innovative approach to F&I is the result of countless 20 Group meetings.

We asked dealers for input and feedback on how to improve our entire F&I program, and then incorporated all the top ideas.

Rosemark Warranty Services represents the crystallization & combination of proven best practices from successful dealers across the nation.

We've brought back the human element

to Claims Adjudication—our claims process is easy, friendly, and effective. Every claim is paid out instantly via one-time-use credit card numbers for the exact amount of the approval.

Starting your claim is as easy as emailing, texting, or calling our in-house experts.

All the best F&I products under one umbrella.

Rosemark Warranty Services has assembled a greatest hits playlist for your dealerships, all inside one easy-to-use interface.

Our unique background and experience gives you every possible F&I product available.

We have the widest, strongest selection of F&I products of anyone. That means that making the switch from your current provider is painless and easier than you think.  Whatever F&I products your dealership is currently selling, we already have.

Our dealership clients experience an average jump in per vehicle revenue (PVR) of $697—in the very first month.

Rosemark Warranty Services products work with every major menu system available.

Just one more way we make it easy to consolidate your F&I vendors.

Need to file a claim or cancel a contract?